James Gregory – America’s Favorite Corporate Comedian
He is a dream artist to work with–down to earth, low maintenance and he can sell out a house. Who wouldn’t want to bring him to their venue?!
- Heidi Stump, Exec. Dir., Clayton Center Auditorium & Conference Center
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You have to be one of the funniest people I have ever encountered. I have never laughed so hard in my life. When the show was over, I was in pain; I had laughed so hard. My sides were actually sore the next day. There are so many people I have told about you and showed your DVDs to. Your show that night, and your DVDs, have brought me more smiles and laughter than anything ever in my life. Even to this day I watch those DVDs over and over and without fail they never get any less funny. I live by myself after a bad divorce. I keep a battle with depression going. On my really bad days, I just put in one of the DVDs and, like a small miracle, in no time I’ll be smiling and laughing. For that I give you a million Thank You’s.
- Kelli Shannon, South MS
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Well, you certainly lived up to your reputation; even our guests from New Zealand and West Germany were impressed with your humor. Being funny and doing so in good taste is indeed a rare talent.
- Dr. David Hull, Georgia Opthamology Association
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James Gregory is in a class all by himself…his humor transcends all barriers: social, economical, racial or whatever.
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